
Showing posts from March, 2020

Express JS(Part 02)

Express JS   ( Part 02) What I s   Express JS  ? Express JS  is a web application framework. It provides a simple API to build websites  ,  web apps and back  ends . This provides the minimal interfaces to build the applications . It is flexible with the numerous modules available on  npm . Express JS  was developed by  TJ Holowaychuk  and is maintained by the Node . js . How To Setup And Configure? As the very first step, we need to install the express-generator module on the system.  it is very simple. Type  npm install -g express-generator on command prompt and press enter to install. As the next step create new express project using newly installed express generator . For example, now you can try printing hello world in your project. Try An Example To Print "Hello World" In this image the first line has imported the express to our file . So that we have access to it through the variable 'express'. app . get ( route, ca

REST Services And Express JS

REST Services And ExpressJS ( Part 01) What is  the REST Services? Simply it is the abbreviation of the  RE presentational S tate T ransfer P rotocol. This is the architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems. REST also has its own guiding constraints which must be satisfied if an interface needs to be referred as RESTful like other architectural styles. As guiding principles of REST, there are 6 principles. Those are   Client-server ,  Stateless,  Cacheable,  Uniform interface,  Layered system,  Code on demand (optional) Client-Server   :   Separates the user interface and services Uses URI to make the connection between the client and the user HTTP stack is the communication platform Client is portable S erver stands independent from different user interfaces. Stateless   :   Self-containing messages, no client state on the server For the particular operation, each message contains information  Server does not need to keep the server informa

React JS(Part 02)

React JS (Part 02) In the previous blog, we were talk about the basic parts of React JS.In this blog post, I am planning to explain some advance concepts in the React JS. Components of Life Cycle In the previous blog post, I have discussed what does the meaning of the components in React JS. Here I am explaining to you what is the component life cycle in React JS. Basically, each and every component of React has to go through the life cycle of its own birth, growth, and death. So that, in R eact  these 3 stages are called using three different names. Those are, Mounting   -  Birth Update   - Growth Unmount   - Death Constructor This is the method that calls before anything else. This is the natural place to set up the initial state and the other initial values when the component is created. This method is called with the props as arguments. That means this constructor ( ) method helps to bind the context to life cycle methods. But this will not call the s

React JS(Part 01)

React JS (Part 01) What is React JS? React Js is also called as React, react . js for simply. This is an open-source library that is created using JavaScript. The major functionality of react . js is making the single page UI s. This is used for handling the view layer for mobile and web applications (works according to the MVC architecture). This was first created by Facebook and now it's maintained by Facebook and Instagram. React allows reusability as one of its qualities. React allows the user to create large web applications. These applications can change a huge amount of data without reloading. Being fast, scalable and simple is the main qualities of react . js . This can be used combining  with the JS libraries or frameworks (Angular JS in MVC). Components/Building B locks of React JS These are a piece of user interfaces. These UI s contain the data. Basically, these components are JavaScript classes that have the state property and a render method. Th

Node JS For Begginers

Node JS For Beginners What is Node JS? Node . js is a server side run-time environment which is built  on the V8 JavaScript engine of chrome. This is an open-source environment which provides the event driven and non-blocking/ asynchronous  I/O and cross-platform run-time environment . Those facilities are helpful for building highly scalable server-side applications which use JavaScript.  Web applications, command-line applications, REST API servers, real-time chat applications can be build using node . js Advantages And Disadvantages Of Node JS? Advantages Single Programming Language Is Enough: node . js can be used for back and front end. Faster : Using JavaScript in the back end and using google V8 engine makes node . js works faster. Benefits Of NPM:   Node Package Manager or the NPM has stand-alone tools that allow to users to download and use . So the developer can manage the dependencies by his\her self. Single-Threaded:   To handle multiple concur